Partner Marco César Saraiva da Fonseca holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and in Law from the State University of Rio de Janeiro. He began his professional life at the former Foreign Trade Department in Bank of Brazil, in the late 1980s, where he worked in the area of export promotion. Subsequently, after having transferred the foreign trade activities to the federal administration, first at the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Planning and then at the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, he worked in different areas. In 1995, he joined the recently founded Trade Remedies Department, in which he remained for about 23 years. During this period, he conducted and coordinated numerous trade defense investigations (anti-dumping, subsidies and countervailing measures and safeguards), and conducted dozens of on-the-spot investigations in Brazil and abroad. He held various positions as Coordinator of Investigations and General Coordinator for Intermediate Products. From 2008 to 2014, he held the position of Deputy Director, when he was appointed Director of DECOM, a position he held until his retirement from the federal public service in 2018. In addition to these activities, he represented the Brazilian Investigating Authority in several bilateral and bi-regional negotiating fora (Mercosur-EU; Mercosur-Andean Community; Mercosur-Peru; and FTAA) and, at the multilateral level, at the Rules Negotiating Group in World Trade Organization (WTO), during the Doha Round, especially as a Brazilian delegate in negotiations to improve the Anti-Dumping Agreement and the Subsidy and Countervailing Measures Agreement. He has represented DECOM at various WTO Rules Committee meetings and trade defense events at the invitation of the Governments of Japan, Thailand, South Korea, India and the People’s Republic of China, as well as the WTO Secretariat. He also acted as the National Coordinator of the Mercosur Trade Defense and Safeguards Committee (CDCS). In the academic sphere, he was instructor in the training courses for new foreign trade analysts, promoted by the School of Financial Administration.
AS Consultoria has a team of professionals graduated in Law, Economics and Accounting, duly qualified to act with the necessary efficiency and to achieve the best result for its clients in trade litigation. It is, in fact, a boutique specialized in foreign trade, with a huge concentration of services in the areas of dumping, subsidies and countervailing measures, safeguards and tariff and non-tariff barriers applied to imports by foreign and Brazilian governments, resulting from the high specialization of its multidisciplinary technical staff, and its international capillarity.

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