
Dumping is an unfair trade practice condemned by the WTO if it causes or threaten to cause material injury to the domestic industry of an import country. Is is characterized by exporting a certain product at a price below the Normal Value (normally the price charged by the exporter in the domestic sales of the same product or a like product). This matter is regulated by Article VI of the General Agreement on Customs Tariffs and Trade – GATT 1994 (so-called Anti-Dumping Agreement).

In Brazil, the Agreement was internalized through Decree No. 1,355, dated December 30th, 1994, and regulated by Decree No. 8,058, dated July 26th, 2013. AS Consultoria defends the interests of Brazilian and foreign companies affected by investigations conducted in Brazil and abroad. On the other hand, it also provides all technical support to the domestic industry affected by such unfair practice, being responsible for advising, filling petitions and following up with the competent governmental authorities, in compliance with national and multilateral regulations.

Dumping is an unfair trade practice condemned by the WTO if it causes or threaten to cause material injury to the domestic industry of an import country. Is is characterized by exporting a certain product at a price below the Normal Value (normally the price charged by the exporter in the domestic sales of the same product or a like product). This matter is regulated by Article VI of the General Agreement on Customs Tariffs and Trade – GATT 1994 (so-called Anti-Dumping Agreement).

In Brazil, the Agreement was internalized through Decree No. 1,355, dated December 30th, 1994, and regulated by Decree No. 8,058, dated July 26th, 2013. AS Consultoria defends the interests of Brazilian and foreign companies affected by investigations conducted in Brazil and abroad. On the other hand, it also provides all technical support to the domestic industry affected by such unfair practice, being responsible for advising, filling petitions and following up with the competent governmental authorities, in compliance with national and multilateral regulations.

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