False declaration of origin

The false declaration of origin is a practice carried out by some importers to avoid the payment of anti-dumping or countervailing duties tampering the information of origin. Such a procedure is considered a fraud. If there is evidence that the origin of a product is being incorrectly attributed to another country with the aim of eluding a trade remedy measure, an origin investigation is initiated, often leading to on-the-spot investigation on producers of the declared origin, and it may result in the rejection of future import licenses from these producers or even from their own country.

The false declaration of origin is a practice carried out by some importers to avoid the payment of anti-dumping or countervailing duties tampering the information of origin. Such a procedure is considered a fraud. If there is evidence that the origin of a product is being incorrectly attributed to another country with the aim of eluding a trade remedy measure, an origin investigation is initiated, often leading to on-the-spot investigation on producers of the declared origin, and it may result in the rejection of future import licenses from these producers or even from their own country.

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